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Report – Voice – Inbound Campaign Agent Efficiency

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Inbound Campaign Agent Efficiency

The Inbound Campaign Agent Efficiency gives an overview of queue based efficiency. It uses a table to display queue based information by summarised totals and averages based on the reporting date range.

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Report Fields

The report contains the following fields.

Field Description
Queue The Queue column reports the queue name from which the data was captured.
Offered The Offered column reports the number of contacts offered to the relevant queue during the reporting period.
Average Speed of Answer The Average Speed of Answer column reports the average speed of answer for contacts answered during the reporting period.
Maximum Wait for Answer The Maximum Wait for Answer column displays the longest recorded wait to be answered during the reporting period.
Within Campaign Contacts The Within Campaign Contacts column reports the number of contacts handled within the target service level answer time during the reporting period.
% Within Campaign The % Within Campaign column reports the percentage of calls handled within the target service level answer time during the reporting period.
Average Queue Duration The Average Queue Duration column reports the average queue duration of all contacts during the reporting period.


Report Filters

The report contains the following inbuilt filters.

Field Description
Queue Selection The Queues filter can be used to select one or more queues to report on. With the filter applied values in the report will be updated to reflect what was selected.



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