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What is Grade of Service – GOS%

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What is Grade of Service (GOS)

What is Grade of Service?

Grade of Service is a common contact centre metric used in reporting, regularly referred to by the acronym GOS.

It reports the percentage of contacts answered within a target service level answer time and gives an overview of general performance.

Organisations will set a Target Service Level Answer time and the percentage of contacts they want to answer within that value. In reporting terms this will often be referred to as 80 in 60 (80% of calls answered within 60 seconds) or 90 in 30 (90% of calls 30 seconds).

The Target Service Level Answer time and Minimum Abandoned Threshold is set at queue level. A link to these values can be found below.

How is Grade of Service calculated?

In its standard form, GOS is calculated by dividing the number of contacts answered within the Target Service Level Answer time by the number of contacts Offered. Any contacts abandoned within the Minimum Abandoned Threshold are not included in the Offered count. If a Minimum Abandoned Threshold has not been set, all abandoned contacts are included.

In the following examples, a Target Service Level answer time of 60 seconds and a Minimum Abandoned Threshold of 10 seconds has been configured on the queue.

Example 1

10 contacts have been offered to the queue, 8 of the contacts have been answered within 60 seconds and 2 were answered greater than 60 seconds.

8 / 10 * 100 = 80%

Example 2

10 contacts have been offered to the queue, 7 of the contacts have been answered within 60 seconds, 2 contacts were abandoned at 30 and 35 seconds respectively and 1 contact was answered greater than 60 seconds

7 / 10 X 100 = 70%

Example 3

10 contacts have been offered to the queue, 8 contacts have been answered with 60 seconds, 1 contact has been abandoned at 5 seconds and 1 contact was was answered greater than 60 seconds. In this example the contact abandoned after 5 seconds will not be included in the Offered contact count, reducing it to 9.

8 / 9 X 100 = 88.89%

Which reports can I use to monitor GOS?

You will find GOS% reported throughout the reporting suite, a few examples are.

  • Inbound Call Performance Console
  • Inbound Call Staffing Summary
  • Inbound Campaign Agent Call Efficiency
  • Contact Channel Overview
  • Contact Traffic Heatmap
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