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Report – Agent – State Break Daily

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Login Logout

The State Break Daily gives a detailed view of login and break information based on agent. It uses a table to display information about each time an agent performs a login or changes into a break or aux status based on the reporting date range.

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Report Fields

The report contains the following fields.


Field Description
Agent The Agent column reports the agent name from which the data was captured.
Date The Date column reports the date upon which the login was commenced during the reporting period.
Status The Status column reports the type of status that was activated, e.g. Break, Aux during the reporting period.
Reason The Reason column reports the reason selected by the agent when transition into a Break, Aux or Logging out during the reporting period.
Duration The Duration column reports the duration of the time spent in the status.
Start The Start column reports the date and specific time which the status commenced during the reporting period.
End The End column reports the date and specific time which the status finished during the reporting period.


Report Filters

The report contains the following inbuilt filters.


Field Description
Team Selection The Teams filter can be used to select one or more teams to report on. With the filter applied values in the report will be updated to reflect what was selected.
Agent Selection The Agents filter can be used to select one or more agents to report on. With the filter applied values in the report will be updated to reflect what was selected.



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